Default me is mean. Actually mean.
My first response is never kindness…which is why it is always kindness…
I have learnt to live in my shell. I let her out once in a while.
Actually a little too many times🤭
But then my inner circle, people I interact with everyday, they get the “kind” me.
Oh that’s who they get.
At intervals EVERYDAY, the real me pops out.
The unfiltered me. The totally undiluted me.
But also as quickly as she comes out, is at the same speed as she runs back in.
This is what they call “LIFE” I guess, because….
😮💨😮💨😮💨lol this emoji is actually me in my head most of the time.
I am navigating through this life at my best possible.
I am always open to getting better…
I am human, I am fluid.